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CGI Perl and PHP Script Resource DirectoryListings of Perl, PHP and CGI script websites broken down into categories of access counters, auctions, bulletin board systems, classified ads, guestbooks and more. Add your script to our growing list.
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What's New at The CGI and Perl Script Resource DirectoryThe 10 newest listings of perl and cgi script websites broken down into categories of access counters, auctions, bulletin board systems, classified ads, guestbooks and more.
Top Listings at The CGI and Perl Script Resource DirectoryThe top 10 newest listings of perl and cgi script websites broken down into categories of access counters, auctions, bulletin board systems, classified ads, guestbooks and more.
Chat room - WikipediaSome online chat rooms also incorporate audio and video communications, so that users may actually see and hear each other.
Internet forum - WikipediaForums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; for example, a single conversation is called a thread , or topic. The name comes from the forums of Ancient Rome.
Blog - WikipediaBerners-Lee also created what is considered by Encyclopedia Britannica to be the first 'blog' in 1992 to discuss the progress made on creating the World Wide Web and software used for it. 11
Free Directory - Domaining.inFree web directory We are a free, SEO friendly web directory accepting submissions from quality web resources.
Social media - WikipediaThese early text-based systems expanded to include images and video in the 21st century, aided by digital cameras and camera phones. 18
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